lHere are some standard session rates:
Bi-weekly sessions gradually moving to longer intervals are the ideal way to work on your recovery for most people. I lwil ask you to consider committing to a standing appointment day of the week and time
Video face to face sessions take place using ZOOM video conferencing software which is free to use and will allow us to work on documents or exercises together, and protect your privacy.
Visits with Registered Psychotherapists are often covered by your health insurance benefits but unfortunately not by OHIP.
Plans and coverage are different from one benefits provider to another, so please check directly with yours for coverage specific to ‘Registered Psychotherapists’ who are members of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario. I am regisyered with Sun Life’s Lumino Health Therapist Directory
I will provide you with receipts so you can be reimbursed by your plan.
Occasionally a group treatment module will be scheduled by Aspire when enough people are ready at a time. This will offer a way to get more sessions for less.
If you are on government benefits such as ODSP or OW, or just a very tight budget in general, I can refer you to local services that are provincially funded and therefore free to you. Whether these services will meet your needs depends on your goals. If you aren’t comfortable with that, we can talk about a reduced rate based on your income.
If you are the victim of crime that you’ve reported in Peel Region you may be eligible for a package of sessions theough the Victim Quick Response Program with whom I am a registered service provider.
I also support the partners and family members of people who whose challenges are causing pain and conflict. Couples and family work are also available using the Intimacy from the Inside Out model. If you are considering a family intervention you can learn more at my second practice site, Circle of Care Recovery.
If you are a parent, partner or loved one of someone who is struggling with using drugs I highly recommend Naranon, a twelve step program for families. If your loved one is drinking heavily, Alanon can help.
If drugs or alcohol are the problem, sometimes it’s too hard or just unsafe to stop suddenly without first having medically supervised detoxification. I work closely with a specialist in adidiction medicine and through my work in Circle of Care Recovery I can connect you to in-home detox, private or hospital detox, and residential treatment centres. I am certified to provide the provincially standardised assessment you will need in completing admission packages for inpatient treatment. I am very well networked with residential treatment centres all over North America if you need to get stabilized before you can start therapy in your home community.